Learn How to Draw a Bass Clef

Learn How to Draw a Bass Clef - UltimateMusicTheory.com

Learn How to Draw a Bass Clef

In my Blog "How to Draw a Treble Clef", we looked at my Musical Pet Peeves regarding the Treble Clef. Today I would like to explore my Pet Peeves to pronounce and draw a Bass Clef! We will learn hints on how to say the word "Bass" properly and how to draw a Bass Clef properly!

As Teachers, we are responsible for teaching our students how to draw musical notation correctly.  We must set the example by drawing them correctly ourselves.

When we see a music/theory notation in print, it is written using a computer or a type-setting machine. Therefore, they are usually written using different shadings and lines to make them look fancy.

Guess what? We are not computers.  So let's learn how to draw a Bass Clef by hand!

Draw a Bass Clef - First, How to Say Bass Clef

The Bass Clef is not pronounced like the fish (a Bass), it is pronounced like the BASE in Baseball.

Watch this Ultimate Music Theory Lesson with Granny D - Bass Clef.


Learn how to draw a Bass Clef - UltimateMusicTheory.com

Learn How to Draw a Bass Clef - You are NOT a Computer!

When you look at a Bass Clef as seen in printed music theory versus looking at one as written "by hand", can you see all the differences?

Students are not expected to draw that thick and thin shading when they draw the Bass Clef.  (Thank Goodness!)

How to Draw a Bass Clef - UltimateMusicTheory.com

Draw a Bass Clef - Landmark Notes

The Bass Clef is also called the F Clef.  So, guess what the Landmark Note of this staff is?  If you said "F" (or "Bass F"), you would be correct!

Once again, if you do not write your Bass Clef/F Clef sign properly, you are not pitching your Landmark Note correctly on the F below Middle C.

How to Draw a Bass clef - UltimateMusicTheory.com

How to Draw a Bass Clef - 4 Easy Steps

Have you ever drawn a heart for Valentines Day?  If you can draw a heart, you can draw a Bass Clef Sign!

Grab your Ultimate Music Theory Whiteboard and start practicing by drawing hearts all over the blank side of the Whiteboard.  When that is easy-peasy lemon squeezy (Yes, I know - I say that a LOT), then flip over your Whiteboard and follow these 4 steps to draw that Bass Clef sign.  You can do this, and you can do this properly!

How to draw a Bass Clef - UltimateMusicTheory.com

Draw a Bass Clef - A Musical Pet Peeve

It is important that we teach our students that the "3 dots" used to draw the Bass Clef sign need to be filled in (and not left open).

Yes, another "Shelagh Pet Peeve" is seeing students draw a Bass Clef with white circles instead of black dots.

What do you call these black dots? I've referred to them as filled in dots, blackened circles, filled in circles, and dark circles.  However you "name" them, please do not leave them empty white circles!  Thanks.

Pitch Matters!

The Bass Clef Sign pitches notes on the Bass Staff!

I remind my students that line #4 is the F line, and it is:

  • "pitched" by dot #1 that grabs on to line #4 at the beginning of the Bass Clef sign;
  • "pitched” between dot #2 in space #3 and dot #3 in space #4.

The Grand Staff

Now that your students know how to draw the Treble Clef and the Bass Clef, they can draw the Grand Staff.

Here are some Bonus Memory Joggers for your students:

  • the Treble Clef is on the Top of the Grand Staff as it is very Tall;
  • the Bass Clef is on the Bottom of the Grand Staff as it is in the Basement.

I'd love to hear your Memory Joggers!  And, if you have something that is a "Theory Pet Peeve", or you'd like some ideas on how to correct any bad theory habits, please send me an email at Shelagh@UltimateMusicTheory.com.  You just might find yourself (or your question) featured in a blog!

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Keep on Learning... With a Smile and a Song!

Shelagh McKibbon-U'Ren


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