Gratitude List – 5 Reasons Why


Gratitude List - Who, What & 5 Reasons Why

A Gratitude List is something that is very personal. We all have experienced some form of gratitude.  Gratitude is a feeling or attitude in acknowledgment of expressing or displaying appreciation for something that one has received or will receive.  The aim of a gratitude list is to help us focus on the good things in our life and to be grateful.  At times, we all tend to just take things for granted.  Writing a Gratitude List - helps us reflect on what's important in our life.

This week, as our USA friends celebrate Thanksgiving - a day  of giving thanks - it got me thinking about my own gratitude list.  There are so many things and so many people on my gratitude list that I am grateful for in my life, I could write an entire book on gratitude alone. (Don't panic, there's no book to buy...

One of the people on my list is Shelagh McKibbon-U'Ren - Executive Director of UMT.  I am so grateful for her kindness, patience, vision, "VERY FUSSY" editing, incredible blog writing and most importantly treasured friendship.  She is truly a blessing in my life, as is the rest of the UMT Team.

As my list continues it includes:

Ray St. Germain & Family

  • My Family - 5 beautiful talented musical children and 7 grandchildren.
  • My Students - hundreds of them and their amazing parents.
  • My Mentors - the ones that paved the way and inspire me to carry on.
  • My Friends - which includes YOU - my very wonderful colleagues!

Gratitude List - Ray St. Germain & Glory St. GermainThen my Gratitude List turned to ONE person... my husband of 38 years - the legendary Ray St. Germain.

YEP, I had a little tear in my eye as I was thinking about and writing about the 5 Reasons I am grateful for him.

I am so grateful for my amazing husband Ray St. Germain because:

  1. So many years ago I fell in love with his incredible singing voice and the magical way that he connects with his audience when he performs.
  2. He always brings me a Tim's Coffee with 2 shots of vanilla bean and sometimes wraps a $20 bill around it if he got lucky and won at the slot machine (on his way to Tim's to get my coffee).
  3. He makes me laugh every day... he's just that funny and I LOVE seeing his dimples when he smiles at me.
  4. He is my greatest supporter in my business adventures and "pretends" to be interested in everything I do.
  5. He is the love of my life, my best friend and a wonderful role model for our children and grandchildren. I love you.

I also have deep gratitude for YOU.... my customer, my inspiration. YOU are the reason I work so hard, dream of how I can make your life easier, better, more fun, help you make more money, find new ways to connect with your students, create products, courses and ultimately shine a little light in the path of your life.

Thank YOU for supporting Ultimate Music Theory!

P.S. Share below - Who is the 1 person or the 1 thing you are grateful for and 5 reasons why...

In Gratitude - Happy Thanksgiving, Glory St. Germain


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