Keyboard Staff Worksheets

The Keyboard Staff Worksheets may be used in a variety of ways. Here are three UMT Activities to use for the Keyboard Staff Worksheets.

Download FREE Keyboard Worksheets - Large with staff

Download FREE Keyboard Worksheets - Small with staff

Download FREE Keyboard Worksheets - Large with Grand Staff

Download FREE Keyboard Worksheets - Small with Grand Staff

In addition to the Free Music Theory Worksheets, download the Free Music Theory Exams and Answer pages.

Digital Downloads available at SHOP Ultimate Music Theory including the Ultimate Music Theory Exam and Answer books Set #1 and Set #2.

The Free Keyboard Staff Worksheets provide students and teachers with opportunities to review and strengthen knowledge and understanding of proper pitch placement. Use the Keyboard Staff Worksheets to:

  • Match notes to the corresponding keys on the keyboard.
  • Name notes on the staff that are shown on a keyboard.
  • Draw notes on the staff that are shown on a keyboard.
  • Teach Semitones, Enharmonic Equivalents and Whole Tones.


  • Keyboard Staff Worksheets - UMT Activity #1 – Game: Put On a Happy Face  🙂

Understanding the placement of a note on the staff in relationship to its position on the keyboard is an important concept for students of all levels to review.

Step #1 – On the Keyboard Staff Worksheets, the teacher will put a happy face or a happy face sticker on different white or black keys on the keyboard. Always write “Middle C” on the Middle C in order to create a pitch placement.

Step #2 – The student will then decide whether to use a Treble Clef or a Bass Clef on the Staff. Then write the notes at the correct pitch on the staff.

For more fun, put a happy face on the same keys on the next keyboard on the Keyboard Staff Worksheets. Have the student write the notes again but in the alternate clef.

  • Keyboard Staff Worksheets - UMT Activity #2 – Game: Take Me Home.

Step #1 – The teacher will write several notes on the staff. Use the Treble Clef or Bass Clef. Pitch Middle C on the keyboard.

Step #2 – The student will draw a line from each note on the staff to its “home” on the keyboard. This Game is a great review for Ledger Lines.  Use the Keyboard Staff Worksheets to review ledger lines above and below the Treble Clef.keyboard Staff Worksheets - Treble Cleff
Use the Keyboard Staff Worksheets to review ledger lines above and below the Bass Clef.Keyboard Staff Worksheets

  • Keyboard Staff Worksheets - UMT Activity #3 – Game: Alias.

An “Alias” is an assumed identity. The goal of Alias is to discover how many different ways you can write the same pitch (or pitches) using different letter names. Use the game “Alias” to review Ledger Lines, Same Pitch/Alternate Staff, Chromatic Semitones, Diatonic Semitones, Whole Tones and Enharmonic Equivalents.

Step #1: The teacher selects a white or black key on the keyboard and circles of highlights it.

Step #2: The student writes the note on the staff using as many different “Aliases” as possible. They can use ledger lines, different clefs, different accidentals, etc.

Step #3: Take the Keyboard Staff Worksheets to the piano and play the notes. Did the note stay safe in each Alias?

Use the Keyboard Grand Staff worksheets. Repeat the game using 2 notes, a semitone or a whole tone apart.

The FREE Music Theory Worksheets can be used to support students of all Learning Styles and in all levels of the Ultimate Music Theory Workbook Series.

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