Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets

The Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets may be used in a variety of ways. Here are three UMT Activities to use for the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets.

Download FREE Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets - blank

Download FREE Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets - 4 sharps and 4 flats

Download FREE Keyboard Theory Worksheets - 7 sharps and 7 flats

In addition to the Free Music Theory Worksheets, download the Free Music Theory Exams and Answer pages.

Digital Downloads available at SHOP Ultimate Music Theory including the Ultimate Music Theory Exam and Answer books Set #1 and Set #2.

The Free Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets support focused repetition while strengthening memorization skills and building confidence and success.

Circle of Fiths Theory Worksheets - 4 sharps 4 flatsIn Basic Rudiments, students are required to know the Major and relative minor Key Signatures for up to 4 flats and 4 sharps. Follow the instructions in the Basic Rudiments Workbook Page 71 to write out the Complete Circle of Fifths for Major and minor keys.

In Intermediate Rudiments and Advanced Rudiments, students are required to know the Major and relative minor Key Signatures for up to 7 flats and 7 sharps. For the instructions to write out the Complete Circle of Fifths for Major and minor keys, see the Intermediate Rudiments Workbook on Page 35 and the Advanced Rudiments Workbook on Page 7.


  • Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets - UMT Activity #1 – Creating the Circle of Fifths.

Use the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets to SEE how the Circle of Fifths is created. HEAR the distances between the notes on the circle. PLAY the Circle of Fifths on the piano.

Step #1: On the staff, write Middle C. Using the keyboard to find the distance of a Perfect 5th, continue to write up the staff in fifths. Hear the distance of a Perfect 5th (7 semitones or half steps) going up the Circle of Fifths.

Step #2: From Middle C, using the keyboard to find the distance of a Perfect 5th, continue to write down the staff in fifths. Hear the distance of a Perfect 5th going down the Circle of Fifths.

Step #3: Major keys are written on the outside of the Circle of Fifths. Write the Major keys on the outside of the circle on the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets. Play the Circle of Fifths on the piano. Then repeat using the relative minor keys on the inside of the circle on the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets.

  • Use the keyboard to SEE how the distance from each Major key to its relative minor is 3 semitones (a minor 3rd).
  • HEAR the distance of a minor 3rd between the Major key and its relative minor key.
  • PLAY the relative minor Circle of Fifths on the piano.

UMT Tip: Always write the Circle of Fifths on the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets in the same order.

  • Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets - UMT Activity #2 – Game: Beat the Clock.

Focused repetition is the key to confidence! To make focused repetition fun, turn it into a game! To play “Beat the Clock”:

Step #1: Use a stopwatch to time how long it takes for the student to write out the Circle of Fifths. Use the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets. That time now becomes The time to beat!

Step #2: At each lesson, play “Beat the Clock”. Can the student achieve a personal best? Can they beat their personal best each week? Record their personal best on a chart in your studio.

UMT Tip: Students should aim to write out the Circle of Fifths on the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets in less than 1 minute. Practice makes Perfect!

  • Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets - UMT Activity #3 – Game: Key Signature Drills.

Review the number and placement of the sharps and flats in each Key Signature on the staff. This is an integral part of creating a strong foundation in theory. Each sharp and flat has a specific placement on the staff and must always be written in the correct order.Circle of fifths Theory Worksheets - staff
To play Key Signature Drills using the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets:

Step #1 – Have the student divide the Grand Staff into 3 measures. Use the UMT Ruler to draw a double bar line at the end of each measure.

Step #2 – Write the name of a different Key (Major or minor) below each of the 3 measures. (For example: C# Major, f minor, c# minor). Use different keys each time you play Key Signature Drill.

Step #3 – Have the student write out the Circle of Fifths and the correct Key Signatures on the Circle of Fifths Theory Worksheets. 3-2-1-GO!

The FREE Music Theory Worksheets can be used to support students of all Learning Styles and in all levels of the Ultimate Music Theory Workbook Series.

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