Bass Staff Theory Worksheets

The Bass Staff Theory Worksheets may be used in a variety of ways. Here are three UMT Activities to use for the Bass Staff Theory Worksheets.

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In addition to the Free Music Theory Worksheets, download the Free Music Theory Exams and Answer pages.

Digital Downloads available at SHOP Ultimate Music Theory including the Ultimate Music Theory Exam and Answer books Set #1 and Set #2.


  • Bass Staff Theory Worksheets - UMT Activity #1 – Strengthening Fine Motor Skills: Drawing the Bass Staff

The Bass Clef is also called the “F Clef”. Line 4 is the “F” line in the Bass Staff. There is a dot on line 4, above line 4 and below line 4. This creates a landmark for the note “F” in the Bass Staff.

Use the Bass Staff Theory Worksheets and learn how to draw a Bass Clef by following these 3 Steps:

Step 1: Draw a black dot on line 4. This is the “F”.Bass Staff Theory Worksheets - Bass Clef 1
Step 2: Draw half of a heart, curling up to line 5 of the staff and coming down to end in space 1.Bass Staff Theory Worksheets - Bass Clef 2
Step 3: Draw a dot in space 4 (above the “F” line) and a dot in space 3 (below the “F” line).Bass Staff Theory Worksheets - Bass Clef 3
UMT Tip: The Bass Clef is not pronounced like the fish (a Bass), it is pronounced like BASE in Baseball. The F is “pitched” between the 2 dots on line 4.

The Bass Clef is on the Bottom in the Basement of the Grand Staff - the 2 “Bs”.

  • Bass Staff Theory Worksheets - UMT Activity #2 – Game: Name That Space. A fun way to quickly review space notes.

Whether you teach using mnemonics (like the one in the example below) or whether you teach using the Skipping Pattern of Line Notes, use the Bass Staff Theory Worksheets to play the game “Name that Space”.

Students will build note and pattern recognition skills, all while having fun!Bass Staff Theory Worksheets - Space note Chart
To play “Name That Space”:

Step 1: Draw different space notes on the Bass Staff Theory Worksheets.
Step 2: Set the Timer for 2 minutes. Ready, Set, GO! How many notes can the student name?
Step 3: To check, take the Bass Staff Theory Worksheets to the piano and play the notes at the correct pitch.

UMT Tip: For students who need to build confidence in note recognition, use the first Bass Staff to write the notes and identify their placement on the staff. The student can refer to the example in order to reinforce their understanding of the space notes.Bass Staff Theroy Worksheets - Bass Clef Space notesRemember, you can also play “Name That Line” using the Bass Staff Theory Worksheets and line notes!

  • Bass Staff Theory Worksheets - UMT Activity #3 – Ear Training: Same, Step or Skip. Train the ear and it's trained for life.

Use the Bass Staff Theory Worksheets to play Ear Training games that will support the development of a strong foundation in Ear Training and have fun.

To play “Same, Step or Skip”:

Step 1: Divide each staff into 4 measures. Use your UMT Ruler.
Step 2: The student or teacher can write a different note at the beginning of each measure – line or space.
Step 3: The teacher plays the given note in the measure and then plays a note that is the same note, a step up, a step down, a skip up or a skip down.

The student writes the note directly on the staff. Remember – the student should not be looking at the keyboard as the teacher plays the intervals!

UMT Tip: This game can also be played using intervals of a 1st, 2nd up, 2nd down, 3rd up or 3rd down.

To add the Sight Reading element, and for more fun, when the game is finished, the student can:

  • Write the letter name under each note on their Bass Staff Theory Worksheets.
  • Take the Bass Staff Theory Worksheets to the piano and play the notes at the correct pitch.

The FREE Music Theory Worksheets can be used to support students of all Learning Styles and in all levels of the Ultimate Music Theory Workbook Series.

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