RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Exam & Answers
The RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements are covered in the Free Preparatory Rudiments Exam and Answer Pages. Knowing the RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements and using the UMT Free Exams and Answer Pages is the Way to Score Success!
The Ultimate Music Theory Exam Series Teacher Pack includes Set #1 and Set #2. Each Set contains 4 exams. The ONLY Exam Series with matching Answer Books! SEE inside the Preparatory Rudiments Exam Set #1 Answer Book.
All RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements are presented in a variety of different ways in the Ultimate Music Theory Exam Series and Answer Books for Preparatory Rudiments.
The Preparatory Rudiments Exam Answer Books provide quick, easy and accurate marking. Spend more time teaching – And less time marking exams.
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RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Exam Preparation
- RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Pitch
Grand Staff (Treble Clef or G Clef and Bass Clef or F Clef)
Note names (up to two ledger lines below and above the Treble Clef and Bass Clef)
Accidentals (sharp, flat and natural signs)
Whole tones (whole steps) and semitones (half steps)
Matching notes to the corresponding keys on the keyboard
Naming or drawing notes on the staff that are shown on a keyboard
- RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Rhythm
Note and rest time values (whole, half, quarter and eighth)
Dotted half notes and dotted quarter notes
Adding Time Signatures, bar lines and rests to a given line of music
Simple Time Signatures 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and Common Time
- RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Scales
Scales in the keys of C Major, G Major and F Major
Write or identify: Scales, ascending or descending, one octave
Key Signatures
Tonic scale degree
- RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Triads
Triads in the keys of C Major, G Major and F Major
Write or identify: Solid (blocked) in Root Position, beginning on the Tonic note (with or without a Key Signature)
Identify: Broken in Root Position, beginning on the Tonic note (with or without a Key Signature)
- RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Intervals
Intervals – Write or identify: above a given note, all intervals up to and including an octave (numerical size only), melodic or harmonic
Identify: below a given note, all intervals up to and including an octave (numerical size only), melodic form only
- RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Musical Terms and Signs
Recognize, define or supply the musical terms or signs as listed in the Prep 1 and Prep 2 Ultimate Music Theory Workbooks
- RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Analysis
Analyze a short musical composition, identifying any of the above theory requirements
- RCM Preparatory Rudiments Requirements – Score
Score: 60 – 69 Pass; 70 – 79 Honors; 80 – 89 First Class Honors; 90 – 100 First Class Honors with Distinction
Ultimate Music Theory – The Way to Score Success!