Music Theory for Kids Beginner C

Ultimate Music Theory for Kids

Beginner C

Flashcards App & Workbook

The one and only Ultimate Music Theory for Kids program that engages young musicians in all modalities with the UMT Flashcards App & Workbook Program.

The Music Theory Beginner C Flashcards APP includes:

  • INTERACTIVE LEARNING - Over 1100 Flashcards
  • GAMIFICATION - Fun, interactive learning made easy
  • SMART STUDY SYSTEM - Adaptive, web & mobile flashcards
  • LEARN EASILY - Spaced repetition, automated review
  • MUSICIANSHIP SKILLS - Enhance reading & comprehension
  • BONUS - 12 Decks correlate to 12 Lessons in the Workbook


The Music Theory Beginner C Workbook features these concepts and more!

  • TREBLE & BASS CLEF - Bass C to Treble C, sharps (F, C) flats (B, E)
  • PATTERNS - Same (line or space), Step, Skip, Leap and Octave
  • PENTASCALES - Major (C, G, D, A), minor (C, G, D, A) and melodies
  • TIME SIGNATURE - Note/Rest Values for Whole, Half, Quarter and Eighth
  • ANALYSIS - Musical Concepts, Terms, Symbols and Signs
  • BONUS - Music Theory C - Guide and Chart!


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UMT - So-La and Ti-Do Making Theory Fun

The Ultimate Music Theory Workbook includes 12 Comprehensive Lessons, and the Matching UMT Flashcard App Subject includes 12 Corresponding Card Decks. Study the UMT Program and use the UMT Flashcards App to enhance your learning of music theory in a fun and engaging way.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 1 - Keyboard - Musical Alphabet Patterns - Same, Step, Skip, Leap & Octave (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 4 - 9). Identification of Low, Middle and High Sounds and Musical Alphabet. Patterns, Distance and Counting Intervals 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 . Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 2 - Treble Clef and Bass Clef - Lines, Spaces and Patterns (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 10 - 17). Identification of Note Names - lines and spaces in the Treble Clef and Bass Clef. Counting Intervals. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 3 - Treble Clef - Landmark Notes and Middle C to High G (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 18 - 25). Identification of landmark notes and naming Treble Clef notes (lines/spaces) from Middle C to High G. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 4 - Bass Clef - Landmark Notes and Low F to Middle C (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 26 - 33). Identification of landmark notes and naming Bass Clef notes (lines/spaces) from Low F to Middle C. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 5 - White Keys - Whole Steps, Half Steps & Pentascale Patterns (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 34 - 39). Identification of Direction and Distance between notes (whole steps and half steps) to form Major and Minor Pentascale Patterns. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 6 - Black Keys - Half Steps - Sharp, Flat & Natural Sign (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 40 - 45). Identification of Black Keys - note naming as accidentals: sharp, flat or natural. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 7 - Pentascale Patterns - G Major/G minor and C Major/C minor (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 46 - 51). Identification of Whole Steps and Half Steps to form Major (happy sound) and Minor (sad sound) Pentascale Patterns. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 8 - Pentascale Patterns - D minor/D Major and A minor/A Major (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 52 - 57). Identification of Whole Steps and Half Steps to form Minor (sad sound) and Major (happy sound) Pentascale Patterns. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 9 - Types of Notes and Note Values - Whole, Half, Quarter, Eighth (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 58 - 63). Identification of note values, types of notes and stem direction. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 10 - Time Signatures - Notes & Rest Values (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 64 - 71). Identification of Time Signature - number of beats per measure, scoops and bar lines. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 11 - Pentascales and Pentascale Melodies (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 72 - 79). Identification of Pentascales (Major and minor), Pentascales and rhythm and pentascale melodies. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning.

Ultimate Music Theory Beginner C Class Lesson 12 - Analysis - Dynamics, Articulation & Tempo (UMT Beginner C Workbook pages 80 - 87). Identification of Italian terms, symbols (signs) and definitions. Complete the workbook pages together with the Flashcards App for maximum learning. *BONUS Workbook pages 88 - 100.

So-La and Ti-Do

So-La & Ti-Do will guide you through Mastering Music Theory!

So-La loves to sing and dance. She is expressive and creative and loves to tell stories through music! So-La feels music in her heart. She loves to teach, compose, and perform.

Ti-Do loves to count and march. He is rhythmic and consistent and loves the rules of music theory! Ti-Do feels music in his hands and feet. He loves to analyze, share tips, and conduct.

Ultimate Music Theory - Enriching Lives Through Music Education



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